Fundamentals of Chemistry 1

Fundamentals of Chemistry 1filled the Scientific Reasoning pillar. I have taken chemistry once in High School, and it went well but I did not enjoy taking it. Therefore, I figured I would know some of the information previously and was overall not too excited for the course. The lecture material came easy to me, since I have taken the class before, which made it a little boring. My teacher was probably one of the most passionate professors I have ever had, and he loved chemistry and science. He put a lot of work and enthusiasm into this course, which I appreciated greatly. I also enjoyed the way he ran the class, like the assignments, tests and grading scale. He made it very simple and straightforward for those individuals who tend to struggle with science, which I also appreciate. Chemistry can be confusing and hard to understand for a lot of people, including me at some points, and I thought my teacher did a good job of explaining and helping us through it. This class taught me that even though something can be boring, and not very interesting to you, doesn’t mean you don’t put work into it because you never know what you could get out of it. For example, I did this course with one of my close friends, and to spice up the class, and take advantage of our take home labs, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we made a Chemistry video segment. We wore lab coats and googles and took videos of us doing each lab and talking through it. This made us learn the information better and make some of the course fun! A picture of us is posted below. Also posted below is one of our Lab Reports that I had to write from one of these labs. This shows the in-depth coursework we had to do and what we learned in our labs!

My friend and I’s Chemistry video segment look!