
catchersu - البحث في تويتر / Twitter

Summer 2022, I have taken part in my 320 hour Internship experience with Athlete’s Addiction: Strength & Speed, located in Manassas, Virginia. I will be able to experience the life of personal trainers and the facilities administrators, as they interact with a wide variety of youth athletes. I will learn about the general operations within the facility, and the front desk management that takes place. I will also get to learn what goes into and how to great a workout program for a specific individual based on their sport, goals, pre-evaluations, and body composition results. On top of this, I will get to assist and eventually lead my own group speed classes. I am very fortunate to be able to work on the progress of youth athletes, and get to give out the knowledge and experience of myself as an athlete to them.

Stay tuned! Once I am done with my complete internship, I will go in-detail of what I learned and all that I got tp experience!