Honors Course 5: Enhancement of Exercise Testing and Perscription

A beast within the major, Exercise Testing and Prescription is a 5 credit class that serves as one of the prerequisites for our 8 credit internship we take over the summer between our junior and senior year. I chose to enhance this class because it educates us and prepares us to work with a large spectrum of clients outside of Longwood University. As an employee for Longwood’s Campus Recreation, I work with students regularly and there are many wellness plans and programs readily available to them. However, I was surprised to find that this was not the case for Longwood’s faculty and staff. For my enhancement, I used published research papers and survey results from faculty and staff to identify the most common barriers to participation in wellness programs. By learning what faculty and staff found as their biggest obstacles to participation, as well as evaluating how other institutions handle similar challenges, I hoped changes could be made to make health and wellness programs more accessible and successful.