Goal 11: Physical Activity

Attached is a picture of my monthly step progress. One of our major assignments throughout PHED was to record and report our bi-weekly progress. We were all required to purchase a Fitbit and wear it around practically 24/7 to count all our steps. In order to keep us active, the goal was to reach 10,000 steps a day, which is approximately equal to walking five miles a day, a healthy amount of exercise. I liked having this commitment, not only because my grade would suffer if I didn’t get 70,000 steps a week but because it also encouraged me to stay active and engaged. It was also always a goal to beat, every week I tried to push myself to walk more than the last. During the month of October I walked 441,595 steps, that’s 14,245 steps a day. Something to beat next semester! In addition, PHED was a great intro class to learning about the different muscle groups and exercises for my major.