Reflection from SHAV Conference
I was recently given the opportunity to attend the 2015 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV)Conference in Richmond, Virginia. At the conference, I listened to many valuable presentations and visited several booths at the exhibit pertaining to employment opportunities in speech-language pathology and displaying various speech-language products. Many presentations were offered during the conference; however, I chose to attend presentations geared toward children, specifically for children with severe disabilities and autism. I also attended a presentation about how to motivate children for therapy and involve them in creating their goals and tracking their own progress. I am so thankful for the opportunity I received to attend the SHAV conference and the valuable information I gained while I was there.
This year, the Speech-Language Hearing Association of Virginia’s annual conference was held in Richmond at the Double tree Hotel conference center. This was my first year attending and I hope to make it a regular event in the future. Speech-language pathologists and other professionals from all around Virginia and other nearby states presented on a variety of topics relevant to the field. I attended a session on infant feeding, social communication disorder, facilitating vocabulary development in the schools, and the Frazier Free Water protocol. The presentations were informative and interesting and it was nice to hear the perspectives from a lot of SLPs who are out and working in local schools/hospitals/rehabs centers. In addition to the presentations, there was a display of vendors/recruiters that were more than happy to talk with us about our future plans and answer any questions we may have had. Everyone I met throughout the weekend was very friendly and helpful and the whole experience had me very excited about my future as an practicing SLP.
SHAV 2015
I had the pleasure of attending SHAV for the second time in 2015. As a second year graduate student with all of my coursework and nearly all of my practicum hours complete, I felt even more connected to this year’s conference. I was able to readily participate in discussions with other professionals, ask questions, and collect information that I know for certain I will use as I begin my career as a speech-language pathologist following graduation. I attended sessions related to incorporating grade-level vocabulary in speech therapy sessions, using effective tools for AAC evaluation, and including students directly in the development of IEP goals. I came home with a bag full of resources and notes that will be incredibly valuable to me as I begin my career. I also attended a session directed toward graduate students to review and expand on aspects of professionalism, resume writing, and interviewing skills. I found this lecture to be particularly useful as I am beginning to apply and interview for positions in my area. I look forward to attending SHAV annually as a licensed SLP!!
Speech Language-Hearing-Association of Virginia Conference
I recently attended the 2015 Speech Language-Hearing-Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference. It was a conference for students and practicing clinicians. It was my first time attending the conference and I really enjoyed the experience. I went to many presentations including ones about feeding therapy for babies, serving students with severe disabilities, AAC devices, oral care, and social communication disorders. I got to mingle with my own cohort and faculty, as well as with students and from all over the state.
There was a large room set up with vendors who specialize in various products used in the field. I went to each vendor, learned about multiple new products, and even got many free samples!
There was a graduate student luncheon where the SHAV Board spoke to us all and allowed us to ask any questions we wanted about the field, our future plans and jobs, and anything else we wanted.
First Time Shav Attendee
Having the opportunity to attend a Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia’s conference was a wonderful experience. There are so many sessions to choose from that sometimes, it was hard to pick which topics I wanted to learn about. The sessions were led by intelligent professionals, and I even went to one of our very own professor’s lecture. My favorite session was on AAC devices, and after the lady spoke, we played with the different devices she brought. This hands on experience was helpful, and taught me more about the pros and cons of different apps and devices used for communication.
In one room, there were professionals from many different companies at tables. We went around to different companies, talked about what they do, and saw many different products. Some of them even handed out free stuff, like a hula hoop (as seen in my picture) or samples of Simply Thick!
Being immersed in a conference with so many people that are in the same field or want to be in the same field was an amazing opportunity that I will not forget. I enjoyed learning about new topics and therapy items. I know I will implement much of what I learned into my own therapy sessions. I had a great time, and I cannot wait to go back to a conference.
SHAV Conference 2015

Mrs. Wendy Pulliam, myself, and Dr. Shannon Salley after the annual members meeting on Saturday morning
Attending professional conferences as a student is a great way for me to begin networking with other professionals. It is also a great way to become involved within my profession by learning about advocacy, continuing education, and the importance of state associations. This was my second time attending the annual SHAV conference. After almost a full year of clinical internships, I felt that I learned so much more this year at SHAV when compared to last year. It was great to be able to attend sessions that were related to real topics that I am experiencing in my clinical placement and then to share some of that new information with my clinical supervisor on the following Monday. The SHAV conference was a special event for me this year. This was my first time attending as the student representative for the SHAV executive board. I was responsible for organizing student volunteers to help run the registration table and to help set up the CDF silent and live auctions. Additionally I participated in the annual members meeting on Saturday morning which gave me more insight on how professional state organizations are run. I believe being exposed to these professional experiences in graduate school is a great way to get a head start as an involved professional once graduate school is over. I am very grateful to the Longwood University Graduate College for funding a large part of my experience at SHAV.
2015 SHAV Conference a success for CSDS Grad Students
SHAV, which stands for Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia, holds an annual conference that provides Speech Language Pathologists and Communication Sciences and Disorders students (both Grad and Undergrad) the opportunity to attend a 3 day conference. This conference is made up of research posters, multiple sessions covering a variety of areas within the field, as well as opportunity for networking with different agencies and other professionals. This year, the conference was held at the Doubletree by Hilton in Richmond Midlothian over the weekend of March 26th-28th.
The year was my first year in attendance. ‘Autism-Building Speech and Literacy With Printed Cues!’ and ‘Civil War Acoustic Shadows’ were the names of the two sessions that I attended this year! These sessions provided me with information that was relevant to this profession for intervention as well as expanding my knowledge on acoustics using a fun and interesting context.
I already have plans on returning to SHAV for many more years to come! This weekend left me feeling excited and motivated towards my future career! SHAV was a huge success among the CSDS Graduate student cohort! I am very grateful to Longwood University for pushing me to do my best as well as providing me with the opportunity to attend this conference!
Thank you!
Holly Wall
Graduate Student, Class of 2016
SHAV Conference
Attending the SHAV Conference in Richmond was a great experience. I enjoyed learning about feeding and swallowing strategies as well as language and literacy. The conference provided a wonderful opportunity to meet other professionals in the field and converse about different settings. It was a great time sharing this experience with our entire cohort and professors. I am already looking forward to going next year. Pictured below is our group at the conference as well as a smaller group of us attending the Language Speaks session.
Virginia Social Science Association Presentation
Three of us from the grad program offered a presentation on our Stats research. Alas, our professor chose New Orleans over downtown Norfolk (DUH), but she kept in constant contact. My presentation sparked more interest than I had anticipated. Presenting a “work in progress” is an excellent way to pave your way to future conferences and publication (not that I have my name on any YET). Thanks to Norfolk State for being our host and thanks to Navycop and Libertygirl for sharing this experience with me.
(pictured in post below)
VSSA at Norfolk State University
We were honored to represent Longwood University at The Virginia Social Science Association conference on March 28, 2015. We each had a chance to present our findings varying from gun control to disability. We had a wonderful time learning from our fellow graduate and undergraduate sociology students. The information we took in will help us develop as speakers and as researchers. I know that we were all thankful for the opportunity to speak, and also the hospitality of the Norfolk State staff.