Research Day Fall 2021

During the Longwood research day in fall 2021, I had two presentations. These were for my ecology and perspectives in toxicology classes. Due to the pandemic, this event was held online. From this, I learned a lot about making adjustments and learn how to use new technology. We used a website called symposium and we had an hour time period to enter a video chat room and answer questions as people entered. In one of my presentations, I got quite a few questions, while in the other, no one entered the chat the entire time. My partner and I had to learn the lesson that sometimes the project is for individual growth, without the addition of having viewers. We were discouraged when no one came to look at our poster, but given the circumstances, it’s not very surprising. I learned a lot about having self worth and reflecting on my own personal goals, rather than just what other people think. Below are the two posters that were presented at this research day.