MATH 301- Applied Statistics

When I think about my MATH 301 class, what I take away from it the most was the knowledge I gained about technology. We used a lot of programs that I was not very used to and it was something the students had to learn to use on their own, for the most part. We didn’t use canvas, but a different program. Navigating something you’re not used to can be scary and difficult, but this class forced me to adapt and I’m glad I had that learning experience.

With my class information not being on canvas like the rest of my classes, I had to find a better way to organize my information to ensure that I didn’t forget assignments. This was one of the first semesters that I seriously used a planner, which was super helpful. Organizing all of my information in one central location was a lifesaver and I’m glad this class forced me to get out of my canvas comfort zone.

For my artifact, I’m submitting a group writing project we had for the class. This was a challenge in itself, since it was during COVID, but I’m proud of how it turned out and I think it is a good reflection of what I was able to accomplish over the semester.