I took this course to help fulfill my Civitae curriculum requirements.
This course was definitely out of my field of study, but I learned to appreciate music much more and it helped me become more knowledge about one of my hobbies.
Overall, this course was really interesting. We focused on music from the 1950’s to late 1970’s. It was also heavily focused on the Vietnam war and how it changed music and events during that time. I have always enjoyed listening to music and even took drum lessons when I was younger. So, this class allowed me to be more knowledge on a topic I care about. It also made me more aware of the events that took place during this time and I became a lot more knowledge about them as well as the Vietnam war. I believe this course helped me in a multitude of ways. I was able to expand on my knowledge on something I have always loved and I gained a better sense of U.S history too.
This course taught me how important it is to understand the past in order to comprehend the now and even the future. History classes have never been my forte, but I really enjoyed and appreciated this one. Along with the content of this course, I learned how important history is and how it shapes the future.
Below is my final paper I wrote for this course. The assignment was to choose five songs during the timeframe I mentioned earlier and assess them. We were to describe the song, its’ background, the artist or group and how that song impacted society during its time of release. We could choose some songs we discussed in class but others had to be ones we found on our own.