
Starting college has also made me reevaluate how I think of service. Before starting my journey at Longwood, I had been involved in various service activities. My involvements were usually local to where I lived and would be with my peers from high school. When I first got to Longwood, I had no idea that some courses would require me to partake in some form of service activity. Two of my classes, to be exact, had assignments involving students participating in a community service activity. My first semester of college isn’t even over yet and I have already been to a local food pantry and to a pre-school.

My idea of service has also expanded beyond the typical idea of community service. Service to me, now takes on a meaning of being more involved in my community everyday. A good example of this is at one HSA (Honors Student Association) meeting, we put together kits for elderly people to make bracelets. This reminded me of how service can be a small action like this but make a big impact on someone and brighten their day. Being involved in the HSA and in the Longwood community in general has shown me how one can incorporate the idea of service in their everyday life.