Study Abroad

The Cormier Honors College at Longwood University requires that all of its members complete a study abroad trip sometime in the four years they are educated at the college. For my study abroad, I plan to explore Europe, specifically the United Kingdom and its surrounding countries.

I believe that studying in Europe would greatly benefit my understanding of early and current authors based there. I could then use the knowledge learned there to teach in my high school English classrooms. I have also dreamt of traveling to Europe since I was a young girl, so I plan to use my weekends while there for extracurricular activities and exploration.

I would like to do my study abroad trip during the summer so that it disrupts my yearly-planned classes as little as possible. I also love Longwood’s campus and my friends there so much that I don’t think I could willingly take time away from it during the regular school year. Because I want to travel abroad during the summer, the trip would most likely occur the summer after my sophomore or junior year.