MyTruthBomb Summit

This summer, I’m doing a lot.

I came home from college and started my practicum experience in teaching straight away; I’m slated to get a few hours in at work every week starting soon; I also have a bunch of fun hangout days scheduled for Chi Alpha!

One thing over the summer that will call me back to Farmville is the MyTruthBomb Summit in July! The adult supervisor of Chi Alpha, Jenny McIntosh, created MyTruthBomb as a way to get into the public schools all around Virginia and speak life to students.

MyTruthBomb is a traveling group of speakers comprised by Mrs. Jenny and her eldest daughter, Savannah, and has grown to become a handful of people who travel to certain counties with them on any given day.

Every summer, MyTruthBomb does a summit, where kids from the Farmville school district come together at the Moton Museum. It consists of four days dedicated to team building, friendship, growing relationships, and personal development. It sends the overarching message that kids, no matter the age or demographic, are valuable and that they have voices that need to be heard.

I feel so blessed that Mrs. Jenny asked me to be there this summer for the MyTruthBomb Summit! I look forward to leading a team of students, getting to know them individually, and speaking in front of the entire group about topics that mean something to them, topics they can relate to!