Multi-million Cooperation Stores
- Walmart
- Sam’s Club
- Berkley and Jensen
- Costco
- Donation of resources/products
- Donation boxes
- Match what we make
- Dollar Tree
- Talk with owner
- Donation boxes
- Money donation
- Basket at checkout so customers can donate 1$ to support for supplies give them a list of things we need
- Donate products
Restaurants/ Coffee Shops/ Breweries
- Press Club (Thursdays)
- Uptown
- Portion of proceeds go to us if we advertise our fundraiser there
- Donation boxes
- Starbucks
- Barnes and Noble Starbucks
- Donation box
- Pay extra .50 cents or round out total of coffee for donation
- Brewery
- $1 of every pint goes to this program
- Donation boxes
- Churches
- Donations/ donation boxes
- Hotel Wyanoke
- Need a public image boost
- Donations
- Fundraising night
- Banks
- Donation / donation boxes
- Wells Fargo, BB&T, Farmer’s Bank
- Insurance Companies
- Internet Companies
- Comcast: they are working to give internet to low income families
- Thrift Shops
- Donation Boxes
- Flip and sell
- Barnes and Noble
- Donate money/ donation boxes
- $1 of every book sold goes to our program
Non-Profit Organizations
- Longwood’s Diversity engagement plan (through the president)
- Library
- A public space that caters to the community
- Virginia Tech Extension Office
- Community outreach
- Connection between universities
- Richmond nonprofits
- Funding for elimination of day care deserts
- Planned Parenthood
- Boy/girl scouts
- Beyond the Numbers
- Pediatricians
- Senator Ralph Northem
- Put us into the state grant for school system
- Southside Community College
- Piedmont Community College
- STEAM Grants
- Americorp funding
- People who grew up here who are successful
- Hometown Heroes
- Social Work Departments
- Grants that fund college pipelines
- Future employers
- Alumni Services
- Pie a administrator and professor
- Form a symposium course
- Greek Life
- New Admission Day
- Bring in an art item for entry
- Talk to professors about donor boards development resources
- Would longwood fund promotional video (civitae course curriculum put into action)
- Sell it to parents with money to subsidize funding for low income families
- Have a pitch (“This much money supports this many children” for donation
- Jaw string bags with sponsorship logos