Global Citizenship

History 126 – World History II

This course was completed in the first semester of my freshman year. The topic of this course was world history starting from the medieval ages and on. I’ve always been interested in history and love learning about what happened in our past so that I can better understand why we think the way we do and how we came to be living the way that we are. This course was very interesting to me and I learned so much more about the world’s history in just a few short weeks. Included is a paper that was written in the course about a book, called Krakatoa, and the paper is on a reflection of the book and whether the information included in it is reliable. I really enjoyed writing this paper because it made me think of how historians have to make deductions about historical events. With this specific book, we had to read it and see if we agree with the author as to whether the explosion of the volcano Krakatoa started the world’s first global disaster that everyone experienced. This paper made me realize that history works like science when you are trying to prove a point, in that you need evidence to back up your claims. This book was also fascinating to read because of all the evidence that the author put into the book to prove his point.