Citizen 110

This course was completed in the first semester of my freshman year. What was taught in the first half of the semester was ethics on the three most popular philosophies that are followed in the world, which are Virtue ethics, Kantian theory, and Utilitarianism. I have never learned about philosophical theories before this class, and it was definitely a change of pace when learning since many of the documents were written a long time ago and translated into English. During the second half of the semester, we learned about applied ethics, which we voted on and chose abortion and the death penalty. The professor found philosophical papers for us to read about these topics and to learn how philosophy and ethics can play a big role in determining what you believe. This class made me realize that philosophy is embedded into our everyday lives and we don’t even realize it, and it also made me think further into my views and opinions and what I believe. I enjoyed the class overall because it allowed me to open my mind to different topics that I would have never pursued on my own. Unfortunately I have no artifact from this class because we did not do any projects, presentations, or even writing papers in order for me to show what I had done in this class.