Posted by Nicole Ardovino

Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Nicole,

Hi! How are you? Hopefully you are doing well, and either a college graduate or very close to being one. Freshman year did not go as planned for me, but hopefully the rest of my college experience is filled with lots of fun and is coronavirus-free.

As of right now, I have several goals that I plan to achieve before I am in your shoes and almost finished with my time at Longwood. First, I hope you joined both Lambda Pi Eta and the radio station. Those are both extremely important to your major and hopefully your career after college. Next, I hope you became either captain or president of the rugby club (preferably captain because you would be better at that). I hope you learned to balance school, rugby, and hopefully a job while also having time for friends and fun. Lastly, I hope you learned to let loose a little bit. College is only four years of your life. I hope you took full advantage of it and enjoyed yourself while you earned your degree.

In regards to the honors college, I hope you excelled at your honors courses and truly appreciated everything that they gave you. Not only were they the first Longwood community that you were a part of, but they provided you resources and friendships that will last a lifetime. I hope being an honors mentor was a great experience! Hopefully you gave your mentees as much guidance as Taylor gave you in those first few days in Farmville. Never forget about the experiences you had on those trips, like painting the horse stalls, doing the expert course and zip lining at sandy river, or dancing to Mamma Mia in front of all your peers (which is very out of your comfort zone). Hopefully more memories were added to that list as you filled the shoes of a mentor for Longwood.

I hope you enjoyed your four years as a Lancer. While many new exciting adventures await, never forget the experiences and knowledge you gained through the amazing school that will soon be your home away from home. You are going to do great things. Just remember to step out of your comfort zone every once a while… it usually leads to good things.

All the best,

Freshman Nicole

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