Posted by Nicole Ardovino


Community to me means a specific group of people that share a common interest, and thrive off of sharing that interest together. Some communities that I have joined since attending Longwood would be the communication studies majors, the class of 2023, the women’s rugby club, Lambda Pi Eta honors society, and most importantly, the Cormier Honors College.

All of these communities have provided me different things. For example, the communication studies majors have allowed me to be surrounded by people with similar career paths as me. They help me realize my goals for after I graduate, and allow professors to give me resources for finding a career, or someone with the career I want. The class of 2023 has helped me be surrounded by other freshman, who are new to the school and on the same schedule as me. Not only have I made new friends that will last a lifetime, but I am lucky enough to be able to spend all four years of college with them. Lastly, the women’s rugby club has helped me go out of my comfort zone, and grow as both an athlete and as a person. I recently received the position as captain of the team, and I am extremely grateful that this community has provided me with the opportunity to improve my leadership abilities. They were also my biggest connection to students that were not in my grade, and make friends that are older or younger than me.

The Cormier Honors college has been one of the most beneficial communities that I have joined since starting my journey at Longwood. The people that I have surrounded myself with have improved my work ethic and motivation more than I ever could have imagined. My advisors and superiors have given me so much help with what classes to take, how to adjust to campus life, and they are always there if needed. The honors college has given me a supportive, tight-knit group of intelligent, motivated students to be my role-models, and motivate me to work harder and smarter at my academics.

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