HONS 373 {H}


THis was a women and gender studies course that focused on reproductive justice. our final project was a partnered 10 minute podcast, and we interviewed a stakeholder from farmville for their input on the topic. It is a very interesting topic that we explored, give it a listen!

Incarcerated Mothers Podcast

by taylor and molly

Reflection: This class is not at all what I expected it to be. I was looking forward to a class based on debates and something to give me talking points for pro-choice vs pro-life arguments. However, this course was rooted in the history of women and their right over their reproductive system. It was not politically centered, rather it focused on the facts and evolution of women’s healthcare. I could tell there were a few conflicting views amongst my classmates, but these points were never brought up in a confrontational way. Regardless of your “side,” it was very important for us to learn the history of women’s reproductive healthcare and how neglected it used to be and still is. I believe I am a better woman because of this course, and I can now begin to understand the struggles all women must face. This was one of my favorite courses in college, and I do plan on continuing to educate myself on the lack of access to quality reproductive healthcare.