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Pillar : Spanish 111 – Intensive beginning Language and Culture

Spanish 111, Intensive beginning Language and Culture, is taught by Professor Janet Smith. The course focuses on developing basic interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication in Spanish. This course filled a pillar requirement under the global citizenship component.

The course assigned textbook was Plazas: Lugar de encuentros. 5th Edition. We used the textbook for activities each class as well as the webassign to complete homework each night of the week. The webassign portion was very beneficial and created a stronger sense of responsibility because there was little notice when work was due. We were expected to complete the tasks on our own.

Towards to completion of the course, I completed an assignment that consisted of three compositions. Each composition was dated as before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Because this course took place during the time of the pandemic, in Spanish we described our lives and what we expected as a result of the pandemic. This was an interesting assignment because not only did we need to complete it in only Spanish, but we also had to self reflect and assume what life will be like in the future months.

Attachment for Artifact: Spanish COVID-19 Composition

Spanish COVID-19 Composition