Return to Biography – Life of a Legacy


~ Make a change~


Service to the Cormier Honors College is not a task that consumes your day. It does not even have to be hours long. Service simply means to thinking of someone else before yourself. Whether it be opening the door for others or checking in on a friend, putting yourself second is a powerful move not every college-aged individual thinks of.

The Cormier Honors College makes sure each student has service to others on their personal radar at all times. Within my first week as a student in the Honors College, I was volunteering at Heartland Horse Heroes, a local therapeutic barn. The Honors College understands what it means to be a student under the pressure of course work. The faculty knows that students need personal time to get work done and to rest, but they continuously announce service opportunities within the community because sometimes the best way to take a break is to help others complete tasks allowing them to take a break.