In addition to Scholarship and Service, Community is also an Honors Pillar. Community consists of active participation and improvement of Longwood and surrounding areas. As an honors student, I am part of two communities: the Honors community and the Longwood community. I have tried my best to take part in both of those.

As part of the Honors community, I participate by going to guest speakers, club meetings, and socializing with fellow peers. I think that Wheeler and Stevens are great spaces for honor students to collaborate and socialize. These spaces give me a feeling of safety and security. I can’t wait to get more involved with the many more activities planned in the future.

As part of the Longwood community, I participate by attending school events and joining clubs. My favorite school event was the Late Night Breakfast. I felt as though all of the Lancers were connected in one place for once. The sense of a close knit community is what I love most about Longwood. I have taken my time finding clubs to join due to the overwhelming amount of appealing options. However, I am a part of Alpha Lambda Delta. I am really excited to see where this club takes me.

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