MATH 313: Geometry and Reasoning focused on properties of and relationships between geometric figures, measurement, constructions, and geometric reasoning both deductive and inductive in a problem-solving environment through student investigations and hands-on activities. This course was targeted towards presenting this knowledge in a comprehensible way for elementary grades. Geometry was something I was good at in high school, but this class was definitely a challenge. I think the difficulty presented was due to the fact that this course pushed me to understand the “why” behind geometry. I was required to show my work, write out my thoughts, and use visuals to show the problems. In high school, I could get away with just memorizing and guessing. One main thing I took away from this course was the idea of connecting math to the real world. Teaching real-life applications provides students with meaning and context for their learning. By using real-life math applications, students can make connections between math and everyday life. Many students find difficulty with math which hinders their learning. Students become uninterested and often ask questions like “when will I ever have to use the Pythagorean Theorem after this?”  An educator’s goal is to develop a deeper understanding of concepts. This course really opened my eyes to the importance of connecting instruction to the outside world. 

This is an article review I did about connecting the concept of volume to the real world.

(Fall 2021)

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