Biology 120

This course was completed during my first semester of freshman year and was a requirement for my major. What this course was about was teaching students about general biology as a whole. I loved learning in this course because it taught me about many different aspects of biology that I really enjoy, and some that I hadn’t learned before. The professor for this course was amazing and would always joke around with the students within the class. The labs that were done within the course were vital to understand biology more and also allowed us to be able to put into practice what we were being taught in the lecture sections. Overall this course was a good introduction class for the Biology majors, since it is the first class we take, and I’m looking forward to many more.

Attached is a presentation slide show that was done during the class about how light affects the growth of a Arabidopsis thaliana. I really enjoyed being able to perform this experiment because it allowed be to put my knowledge on plants, that we learned in class, into this project. I also enjoyed working with my partners on this project because it helped me to make more friends, since it was only my first semester as a freshman and I hadn’t made too many friends yet.