Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Self,

Remember when you had to do this freshman year of high school in Mrs. Mai’s class? Well this isn’t going to be as sweet or not on topic. I’m here to discuss you.

You need to keep pushing yourself, it’s your last year of undergrad and you’re almost at medical school! I know that there have been rough patches in your path, depression, bad grades, bad friendships, and life just doing everything in its power to pull you down and not accomplish what you want. But you know what you want, and that’s to be a doctor and help people as much as you can. Don’t let anyone, or anything tell you otherwise, or else how can you help people if you can’t even help yourself? You accomplished a lot in the summer going into freshman year, i.e. getting off your depression medication, and you were doing so great! Keep up the work as always giving yourself some me time and always work your hardest! If you are doing your best and not getting the grades that everyone else is getting, all you can do is know that you did your best. Don’t let other people’s successes define what yours are because everyone is different.

That is all the advice freshman you can give yourself. Have an amazing senior year and make it last forever since medical school is going to be a lot!



Brianna Cervantes