French 111: Beginner

After a year or two of French courses in high school, I took to the “big leagues” of the college level. This course offered a heightened level of study compared to my high school learnings, and it was actually quite difficult. I’m willing to claim that the beginner level of any language is likely harder than the intermediate/advanced levels as the first course is the one where you have to learn so much at once. All in all, though, I have a deep love and appreciation for the language of French and am actively trying to improve my speaking of it to this day. Vive la France!

Link Here’s a cool project that I got to make with a buddy in my class, Andrew. We had to create a presentation on a French-speaking country of our choice, and we discussed Switzerland. It was super fun to make, and the country is just incredibly beautiful. I honestly hope I can visit it someday!