Honors Math 171: Statistical Decision Making

Fair warning: math is usually my worst subject by far. If you read some of my other class reflections, you would know that I’m an “English and social studies thinker”, NOT a math/science/geography/history thinker. I don’t comprehend absolutes very well. The fact that math only has one answer messes with me. I love English/people based classes because they’re all subjective and I can put my own creative spin on them. This course was difficult for me, but I actually ended with a B in it, which is HUGE for me. It’s the small victories!

Link I actually had a bunch of fun making this. I didn’t care so much about the actual math side, but it looked into how accurately people can count to two minutes just using their mind. No clocks, or watches or anything. Just brain power. It was interesting! Check it out for a full explanation.