Honors English 380: Children’s Literature

This class was AWESOME, to say the least. Dr. McGee was an incredible and unique professor, and whoever else has him will certainly love his style of teaching. He is incredibly casual, warm and friendly–but doesn’t fail to implement education and professionalism when needed. His entire aura is welcoming, and it invites students to voice their opinions and takes on things that happen within the books we read. He even inspired me to read my first book for fun since, like, 7th grade or something. That is a massive achievement. The book was House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, and I finished it in the fall of 2022. It is now my favorite book. Thank you Dr. McGee.

Link In this paper I discussed metafiction, breaking the fourth wall, and children’s literature that basically just broke the rules of all standard texts/stories. It was a cool paper to write. I’ve always taken a fascination to rule-breaking things, so it was fun to use this in favor of a scholarly essay.