Honors Philosophy 320: Markets and Morals

This class was a very fascinating one as it revolved around capitalism, socialism, and a few other political systems in-between. It was eye opening, thought provoking and actually had me contemplating which political stances I lean towards. One of my favorite things about this class was that it was in no way hostile. At one point were we ever meant to debate with each other in a pointed, angry way. All discussion (and disagreement) was specifically focused on disagreeing or attacking a concept/idea, never the person. This created a safe environment where people could truly air their opinions and thoughts without any fear of aggression.

Link This project was something I’ve never done before–again showing how this class pushed my boundaries and comfort zone (which I think is a great thing!). Me and a partner had to write a fictional script of a story between two people with opposing views. As you might guess, we took a capitalism vs. socialism route and it ensued with a rather interesting story. Feel free to take a read!