

Coming to Longwood in the fall was an absolute blessing. I can say with all my heart that this school was a gift to me. I was hard set on going to VT, but ended up not getting in. I came to Longwood not expecting much, but I was so wrong. I’ve found some of my best friends here, through incredible on-campus organizations. The most obvious group that I’m involved in is Theta Chi. The Iota Lambda chapter of the fraternity has offered me some of my greatest college experiences by far, and I’m only 1/4 through my time at the university. Other organizations were fantastic to get involved in, and become friends with the people, such as SGA, the “COMM-unity” and club volleyball! I’ve made so many great friendships already, and can’t wait to forge even more.


Within Theta Chi, I ran for the position of Social Chair and won it alongside my buddy Shane Lyons. We created events with other sororities, such as pancakes with Zeta Tau Alpha, or pumpkin carving with Sigma Kappa. All these events serve as fun, but also help break in our new guys to the community of Longwood. There’s always going to be that slim, sorta awkward, but oh so laughable layer of ice between guys and girls. That’s just how it is. But the good news is that events like these is why we eventually have no issues with each other–it helps us become acquainted and even friends! It helps improve panhellenic and interfraternal relations on and off campus. Woo!


I ran for a student senate position this year… and got it! I am officially a senator. Please call me senator Bryan from now on. Jokes aside, this was such a cool achievement for me (and a great resume builder!). I am part of the historian branch of the Student Government Association, of which I help new clubs form and vote on their constitutions. We discuss many pressing topics, and it is by no means easy. It can be very heated even just sitting there as a “normal” senator. But, I have learned so much, and look forward to next year being full of new SGA experiences, too.
