Goal 8: Honors Sociology 101


     Sociology was another one of those classes I took but didn’t exactly enjoy, like Music Appreciation; however, while I was able to come up with a reason the class was beneficial for me, I’m struggling to do it with this class. Don’t get me wrong, the class was interesting, but I only signed up for it because it was an honors course and I wanted to take as many as possible my first semester. I will say the one portion of this class that really kept me entertained was when we learned about how social norms and gender roles play out in society. It did teach me how society loves to separate everything by gender; especially with products. (some of them being quite ridiculous). Of course we know about things like deodorants and shampoo’s being separated by gender, but I don’t see the need for things like helmets and toothpaste to be separated. Overall those chapters were my all time favorite portion of this class. I guess Sociology 101 did help my see our society in a new perspective, but honestly, I wouldn’t take another sociology if given the choice.