Goal 11: Physical Education 101


     PHED 101 was honestly one of the easiest classes for me. I remember back in high school many people dreaded that we would have to retake a physical education class, but I was pretty excited. I had already purchased a fitbit a few months before hand so I just decided to go ahead and take it my second semester. The class only met once a week and heavily relied on the amount of steps you take in a day. I don’t necessarily this is an accurate calculation on how much a person is active because there are plenty of exercises that don’t require taking steps; however, I guess its the easiest one to record. At the time I took this class, I was playing rugby and due to the amount of running we do during practices, I was able to reach my weekly goal almost every week. The only time I didn’t was after I injured my ankle and was unable to move around much anymore. After taking this class, I can honestly say that I’ve improved my physical health. As of June 2016, I have lost 25 pounds since January and I’m pretty proud of that and plan to continue keeping up with my better exercise and eating habits. It always feels good to see people you haven’t seen in a while and have them compliment on your weight loss.