Goal 4: Music 224



     When I first started thinking about what I learned in this class, I honestly couldn’t think of anything to write. Music 224 was honestly one of my least favorite classes that I’ve taken so far; and I was a band nerd in high school. I was originally going to write about how I didn’t learn much in this class, and how much I dreaded going to this class every other day, but then I realized that I actually did learn something in this class. Before taking The Appreciation of Music, when people would ask me what types of music I liked, I would always say “pretty much anything except classical and opera”;however, after completing this class, I gain a new found appreciation for those two types of music and many more. To this day, I still have a few classical pieces in my music playlists; some we listened to in class and others that I found on my own. In all, I learned that it never hurts to give something a chance even if you feel like you won’t enjoy it.