Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Alani,

You finally made it: Senior Year!

I’m so proud of you for sticking with your goal of completing college. I know it can be hard at times, but you always find a way to push through. I hope at this point you have finally achieved your goal of getting a 4.0 GPA at least once, because you were so close freshman year! I also hope that you have a job set in line for after you graduate. I know that was another one of your goals. I know you always have a spot at the job we currently have now during our freshman year; however, I hope you’ve found one that fits along with our major (and hopefully sends us out to the west coast in order to pursue it). All in all, even though I haven’t necessarily met you yet, I know I can always count on you to make me proud, following through with those goals we set before college and by becoming a strong, successful, young woman.


I can’t wait to finally meet you,

Freshman Alani