SOCL 351

The purpose of SOCL 351 is Family Violence and analyzing how violence develops and functions within the family as well as society as a whole. 

My knowledge expanded during this course because I was able to take an indepth approach in exploring a community I was already passionate about. Domestic Violence is a very broad topic because there is so much more than physical abuse and can expand to include control. The strengths in my product include the breakdown of how intersectionality factors into how it deters black women from reporting domestic violence. In this course I developed a project that focuses on  intersectionality; then I examined how race, gender, and social justice overlap and intersect. This overlap and intersection shows how Black women experience domestic violence differently. In this course I  was able to enhance my professional skills by presenting and defending my own research similar to what I will have to do in law school and when it comes time to defend my dissertation. This project was definitely helpful as I am approaching my senior year and I will have similar projects to this one. I also enjoyed working on a project that impacts the Black community because I want to focus on advocacy law in the future.  Overall, I think that project turned out very well.