Looking to improve your language skills? Barcelona is the best place for that. One of the best ways to improve your Spanish speaking, and Catalan, skills is by immersion. For students, you can directly enroll in Universitat Pompeu Fabra where you will be taught in multilingual classrooms made up of Spanish, Catalan, and English. Not only is it perfect for undergrad student, but they also offer internships for those in grad school that connect you with many professionals and help build your resume. Along with being a place where you can practice your language, Barcelona also is a good place to be exposed to other cultures, not just Catalan and Spanish. People from Italy, China, and even Pakistan call Barcelona home. They also are a hot spot for different religions, holding the largest Jewish community in Spain. While they are home to over 22 different religions, that hasn’t stopped them in their move to progressiveness. Barcelona is one of the most LGBT-friendly cities in Spain and even in the world. If you come in June, you may have the opportunity to visit the LGBTQIA+ film festival “Fire!”.