Churros con (with) Chocolate stand as one of the most popular ‘sweet treats’ throughout all of Spain. Originating in Madrid, these churros are a combo of a pastry mix, cinnamon, and sugar, normally eaten for breakfast or as a snack. For students interested in culinary arts, the recipe is very easy to follow and would serve your family as a delicious dessert! Though you can find this snack all throughout Madrid and Spain, the best place to obtain one is at the Chocolateria San Gines, located in central Madrid. The restaurant is open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They are also known to sell the best hot chocolate in the country, making this a must-see attraction upon visitation. It is said that as Americans drink coffee to wake up, Spaniards grab a cup of hot cocoa from San Gines.