SPAN 211

Intermediate Integrated Language and Culture

In my Spanish class, we relearned some old material and we also went over some new material. I thoroughly enjoyed this class. The goal was for us to be able to communicate easily and understand Spanish completely. I feel like I definitely achieved the goal.  I enjoyed being able to watch videos on the material that we learned and then talking about what we knew and what we didn’t know from watching the video.

I really liked that during each class we learned new material that led us to be able to make our project. For my project I partnered with another girl in the class. Our project was on the salsa dancing. We had to make a powerpoint presentation which included the background of salsa dancing, a map of where it originated, and a video showing step by step how to salsa dance.  With this class I found out that I learn better visually rather than listening to someone go over the topic.

By taking this class, it really helped me to remember all the Spanish material I previously learned in high school. This class was a great refresher and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved how my professor was very accommodating and assisted those who needed extra help. At times, I needed extra help, I loved how she was always there to answer my questions.