Letter to Senior Self

Senior Claire,

Life is pretty crazy right now and I can’t wait to see where you end up!  Freshman year has been quite the wild ride; from moving in with Emily, Shawn, and Stephanie to having to move out early due to Covid- 19.  I hope college was everything you wished it would be but I do have some questions for you.

So, you’ve finished the nursing program!  How was that first nursing class fall semester of sophomore year that I’m so nervous for?  How was the first day of clinical?  Should I really be that worried?  Do you still stay up all night long studying with Tori and Leah?  Those were some of the best times.

Did you ever get to study abroad in Ireland?  I am absolutely heartbroken that it was cancelled this summer, I really hope you got the chance to experience it.  Did you enjoy being a peer mentor?  I am as nervous as ever to get my first group of mentees!

Do you remember Wheeler 429?  How about the apartment you shared with Shawn, Tori, and Leah?  I bet it was super fun getting to live with them.  Did you ever find a Chi dropping?  I’ve been to every Chi walk this year hoping to snatch one up.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I hope that college was everything you wished it would be.  I hope that you spent these past few years becoming your best self.  I hope you’re happy, I really do.  You’ve made it through so much already, now get ready to kick butt at the rest of your career.

Stay humble and kind.  But most of all, never change who you are.

– Freshman Claire