Historical and Contemporary Insights Pillar

History 150 – Historical Inquiry I

This course was focused on the period of time between prehistory to the year 1500 C.E. and I consider this to be one of the most challenging courses I have taken.  I have never been someone that is particularly interested in history and was used to the simplified versions of history courses that were taught throughout all of my years in high school. I can honestly say that I was not prepared for all that this course had in store for me.

We were assigned long and detailed readings every week that were to be discussed in class every Thursday.  I spent hours reading and analyzing texts and I still felt underprepared each week when discussion day rolled around.  I was challenged with the task of finding new and improved ways to read and study material so that I could be prepared for discussions, quizzes, and tests.  I ended up becoming close friends with a girl from my class and we would spend a few nights every week studying both new and old material so that we would always be prepared for class.  We came up with study guides and a ton of fun ways to remember all of the information from our class notes as well as the readings.

Below I have attached the first paper that was submitted for the course.  This is by far not the best paper that I have ever written but I am still so proud of it.  I spent many weeks writing and perfecting the paper every way I knew how and I still love going back to it and seeing how much time and work that I put into it!