Integrating World Language Perspective

Spanish 210

The work that I completed throughout my Spanish 210 course was unlike anything that was completed in Spanish 110.  We went more in depth with grammar structures and how to effectively communicate with others in the language rather than just working to learn vocabulary from the book.  Throughout the course we spent a lot more time working on pronunciations and effective ways of communicating in many different situations involving the Spanish language.

I worked very hard throughout both Spanish 110 and Spanish 210 but I continue to surprise myself with just how much of the language I can actually use!  I know that the skills that I have acquired through these courses will aid me and my communication skills through my journey to becoming a nurse.

I attached a homework assignment that was assigned to us during the time in which class was being taught online.  It was a simple assignment but I am so incredibly proud of the work I put into it and the time I spent studying the material.  These were completely new concepts that I was able to demonstrate through this homework assignment and I am so elated at my ability to do so.

la tarea para el 28 de abril