Global Citizenship Pillar

Spanish 110

After spending my high school years learning French I was nervous and quite intimidated by the thought of starting all over in a Spanish classroom.  However, after just the first day of class with Professora Sanchez I knew that I had made the right choice.  She told us that we would take it slow and that no one would ever judge us for being wrong or making mistakes.

We began with basic grammar structures and vocabulary words and phrases from the textbook as well as basic cultural practices from people in Hispanic countries.  I picked up the material fairly quickly with the help of my professor as well as my classmates, and by the end of the semester I was astounded by how much of the Spanish language that I had already acquired from just one semester learning under my professor.

Below I have attached my final project from the course that I did alongside my classmate Leah.  The assignment was to pick any Spanish speaking country and tell the class all about it.  All in Spanish of course!  I am so proud of the work that Leah and I did, I hope you enjoy!