Scientific Reasoning Pillar

Psychology 101

This course satisfied my Scientific Reasoning pillar. It was a fascinating course where we discussed various scientific psychologic theories, concepts, and disorders. I have taken numerous psychology courses throughout my education both before and throughout my time at Longwood. I found this particular course to be of most interest due to its focus on psychological disorders. We spent a large portion of the semester reading about and studying disorders of the brain and how they may present in people.

I am most proud of my final paper that I wrote and was able to present for the course. We were encouraged to pick a topic that we found interesting or that we found particularly special to us. I chose to research and write about a disorder termer Misophonia. Misophonia is primarily described as a sound tolerance condition where specific sounds elicit an intense negative emotional response in those affected. I have personally struggled with this condition for most of my life and I was elated to be able to take time to research and present my findings about Misophonia!