This course was very helpful and the main goal of the class was not what I was expecting before I began the class. This was to prepare students for the challenge of writing in college. English has never been my favorite subject, therefore the chance to improve my skills to the standards of college level writing was very appealing. A key topic of the class was the idea of writing across the curriculums (WAC), which was the concept of different styles of writing based on which academic area the topic of the piece is based in. I found learning about the different styles very interesting because I had always been very curious what the best was for writing in each curriculum. Expressing my thoughts in the appropriate format was most likely the area of this class that I had the most trouble with. There will be many situations throughout my educational career where I will be tasked with writing for various subjects and I feel that this course has prepared me to complete these tasks well.
This artifact is an annotated bibliography we wrote, where we compared different authors and their pieces about different topics of writing across the curriculum. For example, one of the pieces focused on the development of WAC while another focused on the specific curriculum of math and the ways to write in it. Being able to read and compare the many articles I included in my annotated bibliography allowed me to learn many different theories about the idea of WAC and the many factors that contributed to its development.