We learned about the different ways to know when the statements or statistics from a particular source are either incorrect or overemphasized in this course. There are many different sources in societies today that very frequently take information out of context and overplay its importance. These sources include places such as social media and news outlets or people including politicians and celebrities. After taking this course I realized how common this was and how important it was to be able to know when you are not hearing the truth. There are countless strategies for doing this, such as observing the physical behavior of the person, observing the other statements made by the source, paying attention to the context of the statement, and many more. I now feel much more comfortable listening to different economic and political stories because I am much more confident with separating the truth from other information.
This artifact is an article evaluation writing assignment that required me to read two separate articles related to economic and political stories. I then had to wright short summaries describing the articles, the different ways the authors attempted to support their arguments and conclusions, and the strategies I used to determine if their conclusions were accurate. Both articles involved the growing problem of student debt in America and the benefits or negatives of erasing student debt.