Posts tagged SHAV

2017 Speech-Language- Hearing Association of Virginia Convention

SHAV2017On March 23-25th, I was able to attend my second Speech-Language- Hearing Association of Virginia Convention this year in Richmond, Virginia!  I attended sessions that provided me with several resources and references that will be useful to me as an upcoming graduate.  During the conference, I broadened my knowledge of assessment and intervention methods for children with autism spectrum disorder.  I learned about several apps that can be downloaded with a variety of purposes that will be helpful when working with children and adults.  There were several companies and school systems at the conference that are currently looking to hire speech-language pathologists.  I signed up to receive information from various schools and other facilities to learn more about their job opportunities.  I also met representatives from various companies that assist the speech-language pathologist locate jobs and find contacts with schools, home health care, skilled nursing facilities, and other settings.  I was able to network with individuals in the field of speech-language pathology.  During the conference, I collected information packets on various types of pediatric and adult hearing aids.  These brochures and packets will be helpful resources for me in the school system since there are not always audiologists on staff.


SHAV Conference 2017

FullSizeRenderOn March 23-25th, I had the opportunity to attend the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference for the third time. I look forward to meeting up with peers, networking with other speech-language pathologists, and learning new information each year. This time, I attended a variety of sessions about managing a school case-load, early intervention, pediatric and adult dysphagia, writing, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and fluency. I attended four session by Vivian Sisskin about making a differential diagnosis for stuttering versus other types of disfluencies, as well as an up-and-coming approach to treating stuttering called Avoidance Reduction Therapy. I liked attending this year more than previous years because, now that I am finally in my externships and looking for a job, I can directly relate what I am learning in these sessions to my clients.

SHAV Conference 2017

Me (on the right) and my graduate student friends at the SHAV conference

Me (on the right) and my graduate student friends at the SHAV conference.

On March 23rd,24th, and 25th, I had opportunity to go to the Speech and Hearing Association of Virginia conference thanks to a generous contribution from the CGPS. While at the conference, I learned a diverse array of information pertaining to the field of speech-language pathology about topics including, desensitization to stuttering, the use of applied behavior analysis in autism, the classification of speech errors in articulation and phonology, the language of poverty, and the use of different viscosities in barium swallow studies. My favorite presentation was about how stuttering can be better treated by using techniques to decrease fear and anxiety. I appreciated how the presenter Vivian Sisskin, used videos to show the incredible progress her clients made in a very short amount of time. As I am interested in working in the school system with K-3rd grade, I know this information will be beneficial for me as a practicing clinician when treating children who stutter. I am excited to attend the next SHAV conference in Williamsburg, VA and learn more about the field of speech-language pathology!


SHAV Conference 2016

SHAV 2016IMG_0776

I had a wonderful time during my recent trip to the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia’s annual conference in Chantilly, Virginia. I took part in activities every day of the conference, which took place March 16-19. I attended several sessions about the various aspects of speech-language pathology. The sessions will help me with my current clients and they provided me with information and techniques that will assist me to serve my future clients. The sessions enabled me to learn more in depth information about licensing, professional development, language disorders, neonatal intensive care unit feeding strategies, dysphagia (both pediatric and adult), and aphasia. I was able to apply what I have been learning from my classes and clinic to understand the research and the methods the speakers were presenting. In addition, I supported my classmates who presented posters about their research. The conference was a marvelous opportunity to learn from professional speech-language pathologists and audiologists and interact with my future colleges. I look forward to attending the conference next year.

SHAV Conference 2016

IMG_0776I had the opportunity to attend the Speech Hearing Association of Virginia Annual Conference in Chantilly, Virginia. While in attendance, I was able to meet other professionals in the field, and attend sessions and workshops. In these sessions, I was able to learn about a wide range of topics and was informed on the latest research. Some of the topics that I gained new information about were dysphagia, autism, core vocabulary with AAC devices, and many more. This was a fantastic opportunity and I am glad I was able to attend.


SHAV 2016 Conference

IMG_3196This year I had the privilege of attending the 2016 Speech-Language Hearing Association of Virginia’s annual conference. The conference was held in Chantilly, VA at the Westfields Marriott. I was in attendance from Thursday March 17th to Saturday March 19th and was able to sit in on 4 different seminar sessions.

Each of the sessions was very informative and full of new information to learn. I chose to attend a session on Language in the Classroom, Techniques for Eliciting /r/, Dysphagia, and Teaching Literacy through Art. I enjoyed each session, but especially the last one on Art and Literacy. The presenter was very knowledgeable and gave us several real-life scenarios in which we could use the techniques she was discussing.

I also presented a research poster at the student poster session. My poster was titled, “Impact of Linguistic Load on Syllable Control in Speech.” I completed the research project for my Speech Science course last school year and continued to work on finalizing my poster leading up to SHAV. I am very grateful for the opportunity to present at SHAV and look forward to similar opportunities in the future.

I am excited to return to SHAV next year and for many years to come!



SHAV Conference 2016

1918616_10209441034569880_2819895493770506714_nI recently attended the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia’s Annual Conference, Time for Change: Learn, Grow, Lead in Chantilly, Virginia. During this conference, I had the opportunity to attend workshops and guest lectures in order to learn about new and current research in the field of speech-language pathology. In addition to learning about current research, I gained new therapy techniques and established relationships with other professionals in the field. Lastly, this was a great bonding experience for my cohort to learn about speech-language pathology outside of the classroom.


SHAV Conference 2016

I had a great time attending the 2016 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV) Conference in Chantilly, Virginia. I attended sessions on voice therapy, AAC, autism, core vocabulary, and how to become licensed as a SLP.

I had the opportunity to help Dr. Aguilar (audiologist at Longwood University) with her session on audiology review. Through my graduate assistantship, Longwood is partnered with the VDDHH to provide assistive listening devices to qualified applicants. These devices can either be FREE or at a low cost. I love informing people about the different devices available, and I heard some great success stories about many of the devices I was showing!

SHAV Conference 2016

IMG_2157I recently had the pleasure of traveling to the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia Conference (SHAV) in Chantilly, VA. I spent two full days immersed in learning in various areas of Speech-Language Pathology. As you can tell by the photo, I was overly ecstatic to be able to wear a ribbon in honor of being a future clinician. As an attendee of the SHAV, I was able to select which sessions I wanted to attend from a pool of more than several dozen presenters. I chose to further my understanding and knowledge of the following topics: Autism, selecting core vocabulary for nonverbal students, the relation of swallowing to pneumonia, and so much more. I also learned a lot about how to become a clinician following graduate school. I was overjoyed that my entire cohort attended the conference, representing our University with 100% attendance. I am so thrilled to be part of a field that encourages continuing education; one in which Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists continuously strive to keep up with changing technology and research while always bettering themselves as service providers.

SHAV Conference 2016

0318160924Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the SHAV annual conference in Chantilly. While at the conference, I had a chance to help with an audiology review for attendees. This review was intended to help SLPs refresh their memory when it comes to what we, as a profession, can do in regards to hearing aids, hearing screenings, and results from an evaluation with an audiologist. My job was to review case histories with the attendees and help them understand how to interpret the results to a client. Though I did not have the most “exciting” task during the review (it’s hard to compete with fancy gadgets), I was excited to see that people were interested in learning more about what the results mean and that I was the one who was able to help explain everything to them.

Attending the conference was a very rewarding experience. In addition to helping during conference, I was able to attend many different sessions and learn more about our field. I learned more about how to effectively use an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ACC) device in therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders.  It was neat to see my cohort excited about what we were learning at the conference and sharing new ideas and knowledge with everyone. I look forward to attending this conference, and many others like it, to help me learn and grow as a professional.


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