Posts tagged Kellyn Hall
ASHA Conference 2016

Kelsey Dunbar and Joyanna Struzzieri had the opportunity to meet author and AAC user Martin Pistorius after his presentation.
Attending the American Speech–Language–Hearing Association (ASHA) national conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania proved to be an amazing experience for me that has impacted my future practice as a speech-language pathologist. I presented data from my ongoing research at a poster session. During the session, several attendees came to the poster to provide me with encouragement and advice for my research. To further my knowledge about speech-language pathology, I attended several sessions every day on anatomy, language, feeding and swallowing that will aid me when I graduate next year. I also obtained hands on experience practicing endoscopy with experts. In addition, I had the opportunity to meet some celebrities of my profession, including bestselling author and AAC user Martin Pistorius and Parkinson’s Disease voice expert Dr. Lorraine Ramig. The conference was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn information that will aid me as a professional and the experience will stay with me forever.