SHAV 2016-Audiology Crew-2On March 16th-19th, I attended my first SHAV conference in Chantilly, VA. As a first year attendee, I didn’t know what to expect, and I was overwhelmed by the number of seminars available. One seminar that caught my attention was titled Stress Free Strategies for Building Better Readers. This two-hour session addressed implementing and designing intervention to support literacy and language development. The session included helpful resources for implementing therapy, including:  interactive demonstrations, booklists, activity sheets, lesson ideas, and practical strategies . At the end of the session we examined several of the visual supports that presenter Dr. Shari Robertson has created and modified. Dr. Robertson encouraged audience members to use her printed supports in therapy sessions. In addition to attending the seminars, I spent time walking around the exhibit hall.  This was a fun and resourceful conference.  I enjoyed learning new intervention strategies and spending time with Longwood peers and faculty