Citizen 395

This class was a Brock Experience to Alaska. The overall lesson of the class was environmental stewardship and what this means in Alaska. There were two subjects we focused on. The first is what the whole class learned about and the professors taught us about at Longwood: the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline. We learned about its creation, how it affects wildlife and nature, and what it means for the economy. It was interesting to learn how Alaska heavily relies on the pipeline for its economy’s well-being. They actually do not have sales or income taxes in Alaska because the pipeline allows them to not need that extra revenue. The second subject we learned about was specific to different student groups. My group studied the salmon crisis in Alaska. I do not like fish at all, so I was not happy to be in this group. However, the more I researched the issue, the more I realized how serious the issue was. I learned that, due to climate change and massive commercial fishing in Alaskan waters, wild salmon numbers have drastically decreased over the years. This means that Alaska Natives, fishermen, and wildlife greatly suffer because of the lack of this essential fish. Fish hatcheries are being used in Alaska to recreate the salmon and help keep these populations afloat while the wild salmon replenish. It was fascinating to learn all of this from locals, Alaska Natives, and from the tour guide at the fish hatchery. Being in Alaska and seeing their culture, nature and wildlife, and specific state issues really broadened my mind and gave me a new perspective on life. I realized that nature has such a greater hold on people’s well-beings than I ever could have known. I felt the need to change my lifestyle habits and work harder to make myself and others better environmental stewards. It was a completely life changing experience and I am so grateful that I was able to do it. At the end of the class, we had an assignment to write about what we learned of our specific groups in a narrative format. I was able to write about the salmon knowledge I had learned, but also include my knowledge of their culture. The paper is included below.