Citizen 110

My CTZN 110 class was focused on analyzing literature to identify society’s monsters and to evaluate the format of an argument. I learned how to present an argument well and how to identify greater, modern issues within literature and movies. We read and analyzed the greater social meaning of Frankenstein, excerpts from Dracula and the book Annihilation. My group gave a presentation on the societal issues represented in Jordan Peele’s horror movies Get Out and Us. In Get Out we discussed inequality, with each member focusing on a different type presented in the movie. I focused on gender inequality and explained how the movie had a subtle, yet strong inequality between the familial roles of father and mother. For the movie Us I discussed gender again. This time I analyzed how the antagonist used her femininity to her advantage to abuse men. My group also became good friends of mine. I have included my argument comparing the books Frankenstein and Annihilation.