Nursing 320

This is a nursing pharmacology class that I enhanced. In this class, we learned about all of the drugs that nurses administer to patients. We learned the classification of the drug, its mechanism of action, what it treats, and how to administer it. We learned the drugs in order of body systems and by drug category. The professor started with sleeping medications and medications for the flu and cold. We were taught each drug category and then the specific drugs within those categories. We then went through the eyes, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system, and the nervous and endocrine systems. This class was a challenge for me because I had to memorize so many names and processes within a short amount of time and then continue to retain that information. However, my professor was very helpful in creating rhymes and songs to keep the drugs straight. It was very interesting to learn about a medication and then have the opportunity in clinical to see the type of patient who would need it and administer the drug to them. This class was enhanced with my nursing nutrition class. I did a project researching how foods can interact with medications and become less effective or create deadly effects. It was interesting to combine the two and see how each are not their own specific thing. It helped me take the classes out of their small view and put the knowledge I learned in a larger view. I felt that it will help me be a better nurse. The presentation is included below.