Honors Special Topic: Media and Democracy

This course was one that I originally signed up for just because it fit into my schedule, my civitae requirements, and as an honors credit. There will always be courses that are to fill requirements, I’m just lucky that I enjoyed the course I registered for.

This course was in the here and now, we talked about current events as well as the past events that lead to the present. A course that was based heavily in discussion is something I always enjoy because I feel like I can be more engaged.

I struggled with our essays, as the goal was to write them in a more journalistic style than an academic style. I think that I struggled to change my thinking and writing style to write these essays. It was definitely a challenge that I tried my best to meet.

This essay below is my final essay that I wrote about French and American elections. I struggled to write more journalistically but I enjoyed the research and the topic.